Two Sides of Grace

May 22, 2011

I was struck this morning by these words in the hymn Amazing Grace ~ "Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved." How I love the paradox of those words!

It was God's grace that taught my heart to fear. Really? God surely doesn't want me to be afraid does He? Fear is a bad thing, isn't it? God is love after all and we know that perfect love casts out all fear. So how could a loving God teach my heart to fear? A better question is: How could a loving God NOT teach my heart to fear, if that lack of fear will lead me into thinking I don't need a Savior, that I'm not really that bad of a person, that all is well in my soul when it's not. Would it be a loving God that would let me live my life on the road of destruction without stepping in and intervening? Would it be a loving God that would allow me to think that I am better than I am and therefore miss my need for grace? Would it be a loving God that would allow me to continue thinking that God is this bearded old man in the sky who doesn't really care what I do or say when in reality the opposite is true? No God's grace puts into my heart a very healthy fear of this God who does not tolerate sin. God's grace opens my eyes to how far I fall short of this holy God. It is a loving and compassionate God who in his grace has taught my heart to understand that if I stand before a perfect holy God on my own, I will be consumed!

At the same time as God is burning in my heart a paralyzing fear of Him, and if in desperation I cry out to Him for help and for mercy, His grace will now step in to relieve those fears. When once I realize the depth of my sin in comparison to the holiness of God and realize that I am powerless to be made right before this God, God's grace makes me right through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus, his perfect son, on the cross. God's grace relieves me from the consequences of my sinful heart, and allows me (a sinner) into the presence of this holy, perfect, sinless God. God's grace allows me to be in a relationship with this God. And God's grace begins the work of transformation in my life. What once was impossible because of my sin is now possible  because of what Christ did on the cross for me. What amazing grace!

I cannot neglect to recognize this need to fear God because in neglecting this fear, God's love and grace is cheapened. The more I understand how deep my need for a Savior deep my need for grace and mercy is, the more humbled and grateful I am...The more I understand the holiness of God and the depths of my sin, the more I understand what a great sacrifice the cross was and the power that is in that sacrifice. Out of this depth of understanding comes a heart of abundant gratitude, worship, and service to a merciful Saviour and a beautiful understanding and confidence and security of who I now am in Christ.

Let God's grace teach your heart to fear and then let that grace your fears relieve. That truly is amazing grace!

* * * * *

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear The hour I first believed.

My chains are gone, I've been set free. My God my Savior has ransomed me. 
And like a flood His mercy rains, Unending love, Amazing grace

Words by John Newton & Chris Tomlin.

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