The frozen tundra outside my window, seemed to be a reflection of my own life. I thought of the frozen landscape and deadness of my own heart until that incredible moment the Spirit of God breathed life on me, opened my eyes to see my sin and the salvation that was available to me in Jesus. That day I turned toward Christ in repentance and received His salvation and it was on that day I was saved. What does that mean? It means that on this day, I received freedom from the penalty of my sins. I no longer stand under the just judgment due me for my rebellion against my Creator - instead this judgment was transferred to Jesus. He paid it all. And instead of judgment I received forgiveness and the perfect righteous life of Jesus. And there is more! I'd been transferred out of the kingdom of this world and into the kingdom of God. The allegiance of my heart has a new King - Jesus. And there is more - through Jesus, I now have access to God, the Father. I can now call Him MY Father. I have been adopted into His family! And that's not all, yes, incredibly there is still more! I've been given the Holy Spirit. He not only opened my eyes to receive this great salvation, but He remains with me as a seal that keeps me saved and as a deposit of my coming inheritance. Unbelievable grace upon grace. In a moment I was saved and the recipient of all these gifts. There is now therefore NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Like my calendar tells me spring is definitely here when my eyes tell my otherwise, God's Word tells me it is finished, your salvation has been accomplished by Jesus on the cross. The power of cancelled sin has been broken. "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." (Eph. 2:8-9)
The reality that spring is here before it is visible, is also the reality of salvation. There is an already but not yet element to salvation. Everything that happened to me on that day is absolutely true. It is mine and cannot be taken from me. But it is not all visible yet. When I survey the landscape of my life, it still looks like winter. There are still patches of ice and snow and barrenness. Salvation has come to me AND I am also still being saved. We call that sanctification. The ongoing work of salvation in the life of those who are saved. I would like to call it the big thaw. The process of what is already true being made visible. Degree by degree the heat of the Spirit of God is at work thawing out my heart, giving me new desires, new passions, new longings as I sit under His teaching through the Word of God. Then little by little the snow begins to melt and fade away. Things that I onced treasured more than Jesus and His kingdom (sin) begin to melt away as I become aware of them, repent and in obedience obey the Word of God. The reality of my salvation, the righteousness of Christ that comes from faith, that previously had been germinating unnoticed under the surface, and begins to break through the soil of my heart and become visible. The big thaw is happening, slowly.
As we submit ourselves under the heat of the Holy Spirit, spending time in the Word of God, living a life-style of repentance, being hearers of the word and doers, God is at work through this process. Dear child of God, if you are discouraged as you look at the landscape of your life and you see more winter than spring, I want you to be confident of this: that He who began this good work in you, will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6) Degree by degree through the power of the Spirit of the Lord, we are being transformed into the image of Christ as we behold His glory through unveiled vision! Spring is here and spring it is coming! We know this because God's word says it is true and we are those who walk by faith and not by sight. Dear friends, NOW we ARE children of God, and what we WILL BE has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we WILL BE LIKE HIM, for we will see Him as He is (I John 3:2).
Take heart, as we watch spring break forth into reality, know that our full and final salvation is coming. What already is will be visible before our eyes! When we see Jesus face to face, and the heat of His presence will wipe away completely any lingering evidences of winter, and spring will arrive in all of its glorious fullness!
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