Good Morning! Today read through Acts 1:1-11. As you read through these verses write down 10 observations from this passage.
We learn in this passage that Jesus has spent the last 40 days presenting Himself as alive and speaking about the kingdom of God. And now He is going to return to the Father. ‘
I am intrigued by the apostles’ question to Jesus. “Will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” They are still thinking of the kingdom of God in terms of national Israel. But Jesus redirects them outward - outward to their mission - that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the end of the earth. Their vision for the kingdom was still too small.
This reminds me of the story in Mark 8:22-25. A blind man is ‘partially’ healed by Jesus. Jesus asks him if he can see and he replies ‘yes, but not very well’. Doesn’t this sound familiar? The disciples could see that Jesus was alive but they cannot see the mission very clearly. It takes the coming of the Spirit before their sight is fully healed and they finally see the big picture, which is the kingdom of God is not just for national Israel but for those God has called from every tongue, tribe and nation.
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