Stepping into the Unknown

Jan 1, 2020

This time last year I could have never imagined my life would take the twists and turns that it did throughout the year.
  Overall 2019 has been a difficult and painful year. As I have spent time this past week reflecting, I must confess  that fear has begun to bubble up in my heart as I consider what the coming year might bring. 
Fear is a destructive emotion. I hate it. It is something I have battled my entire life. There are seasons that it is quietly situated in the back seat not making too much of a fuss in my life. But even though it’s quiet, somehow I know it is still there. Other seasons of my life (like now), it is sitting on my lap blocking my view out the window and creating all sorts of havoc. 
Fear is very real for there is much to be afraid of living in a fallen world. But what do we do when fear is fighting to take over our lives? How do we step forward into an unknown future with confidence and joy rather than being paralyzed by fear? 
God knows how fragile and vulnerable we are and offers us much in Scripture to encourage us in the midst of our fears. We can find His encouragement throughout the whole Bible, but here is just one verse that sums up the whole. Hear the words of our Heavenly Father comforting us in your fear: “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” (Is. 41:10)
How can we step forward into an unknown future with confidence and joy? By trusting our unknown future to our known God! Fear diminishes in the face of our all-powerful, sovereign, always good and faithful God. The better we know Him,  the more fear moves out of our laps and out of our lives! If you struggle with fear like I do, I would like to encourage you to join me this year in committing  to growing in the knowledge of your Heavenly Father through consistent time in His Word. We cannot trust what we do not know! Our Bibles are God’s invitation to His children to spend time with Him getting to know Him.
Grace and peace to you as you grow in the knowledge and grace of our good God and step into an unknown future trusting Him!
Happy New Year!

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