Daily Meditation: Journey with Jesus to the Cross (Day 11)

Apr 15, 2019

Good Monday Morning! We are drawing ever closer to the cross. Jesus has been condemned to death by the Jewish leaders but they have no authority to put Him to death so they turn Him over to the Roman authorities. Read Mark 15:1-5. Mark doesn’t give us too many details of this trial before the Roman officials. Read Luke 23:1-16 and then John 18:28-38. Spend some time reflecting on these 3 passages and make note of your observations of Pilate and his response to Jesus and of also Jesus’ response to Pilate.

Pilate is deeply troubled by this man before him. He is responsible to keep the peace in the region that he had been given authority over. A difficult task to be sure. There always seemed to be trouble in this part of the Roman Empire. But as he interviewed Jesus it became quite clear to him that this man was not guilty of any crime let alone a crime that would elicit crucifixion! But if he didn’t give the Jews what they wanted there could be a riot on his hands. And that would be a bad move for him politically!

The chief priests and the scribes accuse Jesus vehemently. He’s a traitor to Rome is basically their accusation. He is stirring the people against Caesar. But as Pilate looks into the eyes of Jesus he knows they are lying. He knows that they are jealous that this whole things is a sham of a trial. He knows and yet the crowds are getting restless. A riot is about to explode. They are calling for Jesus’ death.

And so Pilate stands Jesus before the roaring crowds, with purple robes and a crown of thorns on His head saying “Behold your King!” And with one voice they shouted “We have no king but Caesar!” Crucify Him!

Since Eden God had promised The Messiah. For thousands of years generations of Israelites have looked for and waited for this One that God would send who would be their King. And God was faithful to His promise. There He stands in silence next to Pilate. Bound. Beaten. The long-awaited Deliverer, Redeemer, Savior. King. The Son of God Himself standing in the flesh. He is clothed in purple. Bound. Beaten. Bloody. A crown of thorns crushing His brow. Rejected by the people He came to save. 

Behold Him standing there, despised and rejected by men - the Lamb of God...Behold your King.

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