Daily Meditations: Journey with Jesus to the Cross (Day 5)

Apr 5, 2019

Good Friday Morning! 
Today we will focus our attention on Jesus in Mark 14:12-21. Since it is the Passover (and the Feast of Unleavened Bread) in our story today, I thought it might be a good idea to refresh our memories on the origin of the origins of these two tightly connected feasts. Head back in your Bibles to Exodus 12:1-28 and read through the story. Make notes in your journals about what the significance of the blood, the lamb, and the unleavened bread meant for the people of Israel.
Now back to Mark 14:12-21. Read through this passage. The Passover Seder. Jewish people had been celebrating Passover for millennia. From generation to generation the celebrated the Lord’s redemption of their people from slavery in Egypt through the blood of a spotless lamb painted on their doorposts. Freedom from slavery through the blood of a lamb. Life in place of death through the blood of the Lamb. And the unleavened bread, bread to remember their affliction. Bread with all the leaven removed. Leaven a symbol of sin. Oh how they would work so earnestly in preparation for this feast to make sure that all leaven was removed from their home. Not one speck of it left. 
And here is Jesus, surrounded by his 12 closest friends, one who was about the betray him enjoying and celebrating God’s redemption of His people. The disciples, oblivious to what was really happening, going through the all-too familiar motions. And right there in their midst sat the One to whom this meal had pointed to all those years. Right there in their midst sat the spotless Lamb of God. Right there in their midst was the Bread of Life - completely without sin. A redemption far more significant than the first was set in motion and they (and we through the pages of Scripture) have a front row seat! 
Let us behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

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