The Promised Messiah: A Prophet Like Moses (Part 1)

Dec 6, 2018

Scripture for meditation: Deuteronomy 18:15-19; John 7:16; John 12:49; Hebrews 1:1-4; 3:1-6

It’s been hundreds of years since Jacob blessed his sons and we learned of the Shiloh and the scepter of Judah. From that time on, God had blessed the people of Israel and “they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, so that the land (Egypt) was filled with them.” (Exodus 1:7) Because of their numbers, they were greatly feared and the Pharaoh of Egypt harshly enslaved them. God heard their cries, He saw their suffering, and He acted on their behalf and sent them Moses, the one who would rescue them out of slavery. There is no one in Israel’s history that stands taller than Moses. He was their deliverer, their intercessor, their provider, their protector. He was the intermediary that stood between God and the people. Moses was their prophet, their lawgiver. It was Moses who brought God’s words of life down from the mountain to the people of God. And it is the prophet Moses himself who proclaims in Deuteronomy the next promise of the One that is to come. “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you,” says Moses. “It is to Him you shall listen.” The seed that would crush the head of Satan, the offspring of Abraham who would bless the nations, from the kingly tribe of Judah, will also be a prophet just like Moses. As they looked at Moses who was so great in their eyes, who had done so much on their behalf, they could scarcely imagine that God could send any one who could do more or be more!  As the Old Testament believers gather these hints together, can you imagine their anticipation? 

An.tic.i.pate: (verb) regard as probable; expect or predict

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