The Promised Messiah: Son of Man

Dec 19, 2018

Scripture Meditation: Daniel 7:13-14; Mark 13:26

A shepherd is a picture of humility to us; one who serves and cares for the sheep. This is the picture that we looked at yesterday of the Promised Messiah that would come. But the Book of Daniel gives us another portrait, another glimpse at the coming One which is quite different from that of a shepherd. This One would be like a son of man. He would be presented before the Ancient of Days and would be given “dominion and glory and a kingdom” and people from all nations and languages would serve Him. His dominion would be a kingdom without end. But this picture we have of the One who would come and be the head of the indestructible kingdom will be one who is like the son of man - he will be human! 

The title that would most often come from the lips of Jesus in reference to Himself was “the Son of Man.” As we hear Him speak these words, we hear His claim that He is not only the Son of God but He is the Son of Man - specifically THIS Son of Man who would one day have dominion over all things. He is fully God, but we cannot deny that He is also fully human. Jesus, the One that was foretold long ago, had a body like you and I. He had flesh and blood. He got hungry and thirsty. He felt pain. He laughed and He cried. He got tired and needed to sleep. He experienced temptation yet was without sin. Because He is man, He is sympathetic to our weaknesses. He identifies with us in our humanity and at this very moment lives to intercede for us. There is coming a day (maybe soon), however, when we will see “the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then He will send out the angels and gather His elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.” (Mark 13:26) Oh what a glorious day that will be!!!

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