Giving Thanks for the Giver of Gifts: God Ever-Present

Nov 12, 2018

Continuing with our thanksgiving meditations on God, today we are reflecting on the Omnipresence of our God. He is fully present everywhere all the time. Meditate on Psalm 139:7-10 and Jeremiah 23:23-24.

God is so unlike anything that He has created! We are limited by space and time and matter. We can only be in one location at any given point in time. But God is not like us. His presence fills the heavens and the earth. His presence is all around us.  He is not a God that created the heavens and earth and then left them alone and sits somewhere else far off. He is actively involved in what He has created and His presence-while we cannot see it-is all around us. He is simultaneously in heaven seated on His throne and with us all at the same time. (I have no ability to comprehend this, revealing the utter finiteness of my mind!)

Oh what a comfort the presence of God is to His people - to those who love Him!! Oh what a comfort it is to know that nothing - not death, not life, not sickness, not darkness, not sorrow - nothing can separate you from His very real presence. In Isaiah 43 God promises those whom He has saved, those whom He has called by name, that when they walk through the water, He will be with them. His presence will be with you in the midst of suffering, danger and death! 

“The knowledge that we are never alone calms the troubled sea of our lives and speaks peace to our soul.” (A.W. Tozer) 

Give thanks today to the ever-present God who will never leave you or forsake you.

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