Giving Thanks for the Giver of Gifts: God Most Holy

Nov 5, 2018

So what thought comes to mind when you think of Holy?  God as Holy? We see in Isaiah and Revelations this is the only attribute that is stated with emphasis over and over again...”holy, holy, holy is the LORD God Almighty” We do not see “infinite, infinite, infinite...” or “love, love, love...” or even “good, good, good is the LORD God.”  I am told this repeating is a style that emphasizes a thought that the author wants to bring out. So why is God’s attribute of holiness emphasized more than any other attribute? Holy in its simplest form means “set apart”. He is set apart in that He is perfect, pure and without sin. It is because He is not like us and we are not like Him. Yes, we are created in his image but that does not make us LIKE him. He is set apart from us. Pure and perfect. All that He is and all that He does is holy. His love is a holy love, His justice is a holy justice, His mercy is a holy mercy and on and on we could go. “There is no one holy like the Lord: there is no one besides you; there is no rock like our God.”

God’s holiness should bring us comfort if He is our firm foundation. Because He is unlike us and perfect and pure in all His ways, He will never fail us. Even in our most stable, loving, healthy relationships we have been failed by that person(s).  This attribute should reinforce even enhance the words “there is no rock like our God”

There would be no shortage of passages to meditate on the holiness of God - along with 1 Samuel 2:2 look and reflect on Isaiah 6, Rev 4-5; 15:3-4.

Allow the beauty of God’s holiness to stir your heart in thanksgiving and praise for who He is!

1 comment

  1. Well stated. Yet all we generally want to think about is "God is love." Yes, He is love. But He is holy. And how should that change us?


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