Giving Thanks for the Giver of Gifts: God - So Infinite

Nov 7, 2018

Today we will meditate on our Infinite God. What does it mean that God is infinite? It means He has no limits in His person or in His power. Some passages to meditate on today: Psalm 147:5; Psalm 145:3; Psalm 113:4-6; 1 Kings 8:27.

So, when we say that God is just, that means He is infinitely just. There is no limit to His justice. When we say that God is love, His love is infinite. When we say that He is holy, He is infinitely holy. God is infinitely wise, He is infinitely powerful, He is infinitely merciful. There is no limit to who He is.

For finite (limited) creatures, this is hard for us to even wrap our minds around. We are limited in our wisdom and understanding for we are limited in our knowledge. We are limited to time and space. We are limited in strength and resources. The only thing about us that may be unlimited is the ways in which we are limited!

How wonderful it is that our infinite God would condescend to such limited creatures and that He would call us into relationship with Him! How amazing is it that this infinite God would call us to rest in His infinite strength, trust in His infinite wisdom, cling to His infinite grace!

Today, meditate on the various implications of God’s infinite-ness and give thanks and praise to Him for who He is and then ask Him to help you trust in Him more fully! 💗

1 comment

  1. I love how you say that we are unlimited in ways we are limited! So true! Thank you, friend, for pointing us to reasons to praise and glorify our God!


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